In order to upload a bulk list of your contacts you will need to put their information into a CSV sheet, and upload it.

To download a sample CSV template you can work from:

  • Go to Requests > Import Customers and 

  • Click on the ‘Download CSV Template’ button in the top right hand corner

You can open this CSV in either Microsoft Excel or in Google Drive using Google Sheets.

For each contact the only required fields are either an email address OR mobile phone. The name will just add extra personalization.

Be sure not to edit/delete any of the headings in the template, otherwise it won’t work.

  • Paste in your contact’s information under the respective column head

  • Once your contact information has been added, click on “file” and save the CSV sheet before uploading.

Important: Be sure to save the file in the same format it is received in. The file format is .CSV. 

To upload a CSV, check out this tutorial on Importing a Contact List.